Administrative Setup and Administrative Culture in Rajasthan.

Within a state there is generally a four-tier structure of ad- ministration – division, district, taluka/tehsil/block, and village. The district has been so far the most important unit of administration. Some of the states have introduced the system of Panchayati Raj, generally a three-tier structure of local self- government in rural areas at the vil- … Read more Administrative Setup and Administrative Culture in Rajasthan.

Judicial Review

The Judiciary plays a very important role as a protector of the constitutional values that the founding fathers have given us. They try to undo the harm that is being done by the legislature and the executive and also they try to provide every citizen what has been promised by the Constitution under the Directive … Read more Judicial Review

Federal Dynamics.

Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. Generally, an overarching national government governs issues that affect the entire country, and smaller subdivisions govern issues of local concern. Both the national government and the smaller political subdivisions have the power to make laws and both … Read more Federal Dynamics.

Determinants and Nature of Indian Politics, Election and Voting Behavior, Coalition Governments.

Determinants and Nature of Indian Politics In a multilingual,multi cultural democratic set up like India,voting behaviour is dictated by a plethora of complex issues.From time and again it has been proved that political parties in India can not rely upon any particular factor to win the trust and confidence of the voters.Such is the complex … Read more Determinants and Nature of Indian Politics, Election and Voting Behavior, Coalition Governments.

Significant Provisions

  Emergency Provisions in the Constitution of India The Emergency Provisions are mentioned from Article 352 to Article 360. ?      Article 352: Proclamation of Emergency – due to external intrusion or war the President of India can declare a state of emergency through a Proclamation. This Article suggests that such a Proclamation can be revoked or a … Read more Significant Provisions